Food Brands
Drink Brands
Hospitality Brands
Event & Award Brands
Food Brands
Drink Brands
Hospitality Brands
Event & Award Brands
First Call
SR First Call
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FIRST Free flow box for notes
If it's ok with you I'm going to ask some questions about your business and find out more about why you reached out to Sharp Relations today. We'd love to help you.
Easy intro question - where are you based?
(We've looked at your website of course) but in your own words, can you describe what is the purpose of the Business?
Can you tell me more about how it’s made / what you’re making / how it works?
How do your customers buy from you? Where do you sell most?
That's all great. So, are there any more revenue streams or pipelines in your business or is that the main one?
What other Marketing have you undertaken in the past and how has that gone for you?
I want to ask you (more) about challenges in your business, so we can really understand your business. We often hear people talking about recruitment or operations or their sales pipleine. What would you say are your three biggest challenges?
SECOND free flow box for notes
From experience, who are your typical customers? And do they vary?
In a typical year, do you find it's seasonal do you have busy times and quiet times and when are they?
How do you think PR could help you?
We love to know what good looks like to you. So if we fast forward 12 months, where we've helped you execute better PR and Marketing activities. What would be different in your business? What would you want to see?
Finally, an awkward question but very useful for us when we put together a plan for you. You know that good marketing has a direct effect on increasing profit levels. At the lowest end it's 2:1 often it's 4:1 or 5:1, we've seen 10:1 on some campaigns. With this in mind, can you give us a bracket for the amount your prepared to invest in your marketing please.
What is your total marketing budget in a year? Would you say it's.....
Less than £5k in a year
Up to £10k
Up to £25k
Up to £50k
Up to 100k
Over £100k
So, I'll go away and have a chat with the team about the best ways that we might be able to help you. And come back to you in a few days with some suggestions. Do you have time to do another call this week? Next Week?
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