November Team News

November Team News

With the festive season fast approaching and Veganuary firmly on the horizon, the Sharp team is busy targeting seasonal roundups as well as onboarding some exciting new clients ready to hit the ground running in 2023.

From a whirlwind few days involving tonnes of cheese and lots of TV crews; to celebrating a promotion and welcoming a new member of team, here’s a snapshot of what the team has been up to this month.

AJ & Anna were busy at the World Cheese Awards

The first week of November saw AJ and Anna running the press office for the World Cheese Awards in Newport, Wales, organised by Sharp client the Guild of Fine Food. They were in the judging room with record-breaking 4,434 cheeses flown in from 42 countries around the globe. All entries were judged in a single day, as 250 experts from 38 different nations studied their appearance, texture, aroma, and flavour.

TV crews from 6 stations attended and interviewed key spokespeople from the Guild and this year’s prestigious judging panel, including BBC, ITV, CNN, and S4C, to name a few! The biggest win has to be an interview aired on BBC World Service which was syndicated to at least 40 countries and played on an hourly loop for 12-24 hours = approx. 480 plays to 364 million people! Wowzers!

9 interviews took place on the day and a further 4 since, and the opportunities are still rolling in! To date, there’s been over 1,000 pieces of direct media coverage across broadcast, national, consumer and trade titles (and another 1,000+ mentions!).

PS: check out our super high-tech interview station with the lovely Charlie Turnbull – a laptop on a borrowed crate on a stolen table!

AJ says: “It was exciting to have such huge media interest at the awards this year. We were in our element organising interviews and briefings all morning – there was such a buzz in the room! What an incredible event!”

Isabella promoted to Account Executive

Back at Sharp HQ, we’ve been celebrating Isabella’s promotion to Account Executive after impressing everyone on the team here at Sharp.  

Isabella has been an Account Assistant since September 2021 diligently beavering away behind the scenes, supporting our Client Account teams. She’s also been the unofficial social media and influencer guru, creating reels and content for clients and the agency’s social media platforms and managing a lot of our influencer relations.

As an Account Executive Isabella is going to provide even more vital support to our busy account managers on the agency’s key accounts – she is honing her press release writing skills, learning how to pitch to journalists; she already has a good eye for linking imagery with media outlets or social platforms, and she will be attending more client meetings So look out for Isabella!

Isabella says: “ I’ve learnt so much during my first year at Sharp Relations, being part of this wonderful team has allowed me to flourish both professionally and personally. From working in our spacious new office to being out on location for food reviews and team training days, what makes working at Sharp special is that every day in different, and every day you discover something new. I very much look forward to seeing what my future at Sharp brings!”

A thoroughly deserved promotion after a flying start to her PR & Communications career!

New Office Organisational Whizz joins the team

Say hello to Beshley Clague, our new office organisational whizz, who will be whipping us into shape and making sure that everything runs smoothly at the busy Sharp office.

Beshley is passionate about being organised and organising others, a skill she has honed over the past few years working for the NHS as an office administrator.

She loves hanging out with her family, going on walks with their dog or binge-watching TV series and crafting.  She doesn’t tolerate rudeness.

When it comes to food and drink, her favourite food is Greek, although generally she gets excited about anything Mediterranean, declaring that Tapas is “something from the gods”. Her favourite tipples are fun and exciting cocktails or a GOOD bottle of champagne.

She’s super excited to join Sharp as she loves all things food and organising so it’s the perfect combo!

Beshley with her husband, daughters and the family dog

As you can imagine, everyone at Sharp is delighted to welcome Beshley to the team and we’re looking forward to a very organised 2023!

Team Development Day

We had a very productive team-training day this month. Led by our creative coach – the incredible Helen Campbell – in a group session focusing on changing perspectives, which led on to how to better prioritise and manage time. It’s part of a wider training programme to improve efficiency.

AJ also shared her future vision for the company and has mapped out the next 5 years of growth for the agency. The team is super excited for all the future plans and can’t wait to dive in!

In fact, if it sounds good to you too, then drop us a line with your CV to as we are going to be recruiting again, VERY soon! (don’t worry about Higher level education, we’re looking for people with that magic spark, the ability to quickly get on a wavelength with someone.)

Looking to be more strategic with your PR and marketing in 2023?

Why not chat to the Sharp team about our Communications Audits, Strategies and Market Insight reports.  Book a call with AJ or one of the team today.


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