November Update

November Update

November Update

We’re 12 days late with the November update and that is because it’s been another seriously eventful month. This week Sharp Relations is running five different events on behalf of our clients, involving 18 journalists and writers, most of whom have travelled to Kent especially to see our clients. I can’t do the stats for the whole month, but it’s a lot of reviews, press trips, experiences, lunches and masterclasses!

Posting, packaging and delivering client’s samples to writers for gift guides, festive food features and rounds ups has continued at a frenetic rate. This, of course, can only be a good thing. We’ve had to employ a cloud based management system to keep track of activities.

After receiving 72 applications for our role, we have found our new team member and we look forward to welcoming Claire Hernandez to the team in December.

AJ gave a lecture to the third year Marketing Students in the Sibson Building at the University of Kent at the end of October. She talked about future food trends, changing times in journalism and the effect of influencers on the media.

Finally, Sharp Relations has been nominated for two awards in the Kent Business Awards, Ashford group. Firstly, AJ is up for ‘Business Woman of the Year’ and secondly the agency is up for ‘Start-up Business of the Year’, we will hear the results at the Awards Dinner on the 20th November: There’s some seriously strong competition so we’re just chuffed to be finalists.

News from some of our Clients…

Well, where to start? There’s so much going on….. Nim’s Fruit Crisps have created a range of festive crisps including Brussel spout crisps, all air dried not fried so counts as one of your five a day. Brilliant healthier alternative for festive nibbles!

OGGs® Mince pies are flying off the shelves faster than they can be restocked in Sainsbury’s.

Macknade has opened a dedicated wine shop and is hosting butchery masterclasses, wine events, pop up suppers and more.

The Pearson’s Arms has just released its winter menu and started lighting the fires, so do get down to Whitstable for a cosy evening.

Lost Sheep Coffee is reflecting on the success of the past year and looking forward to some very exciting plans for 2020, watch this space!

Thackeray’s is gearing up for a very busy Christmas, hurry and book if you want one of their quirky event spaces for your private party.

And new client Oast to Host is launching a very exciting category changing product range but it’s embargoed for now, more on that to follow!


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