Only two months into 2022, and we’ve already influenced millions of conscious consumers, with exciting client activations going off in Bella Italia, and launches for Lilk and Crave. As well as inviting 38.7 million people to Try Big Drop in January and the stats of this incredibly delicious AF beer keep on rising! And we’re at the forefront of reducing food waste in Kent…
Make sure you’re on our Insightful Bites Newsletter list, to stay up to date with the latest trends and insights from across the food world. Drop us a line at if you’d like to sign up.
Wednesday Workshops
AJ has been keeping out of trouble offering free PR and Marketing workshops every Wednesday morning at 9.30am. In the past 8 weeks, she has helped around 250 business owners to find clarity, be more strategic and measured and discover if their marketing is doing what it needs to be doing.

Join us for the next one when we’re going to tackle everyone’s favourite subject matter, how do you work with influencers and why should you bother?
Outstanding business you say? Creative business of the year you think? Well, who knows? But we’re chuffed as anything to have been shortlisted for the Times of Tunbridge Wells Awards which is pretty exciting! Thanks for the nominations!
Do you like Coffee?
So does AJ! And she likes talking and meeting new people even more. She’s genuinely happy to help, so sling any questions, queries, thoughts, musings, debates, or jokes her way. She’ll love it! Just use this link to book into her diary.

You definitely need new photos!
Unless you had a photoshoot in the last two months, then we can pretty much guarantee that you need new images! It makes ALL the difference.
Great example is our client, Lilk, the plant-based milk alternative This image was featured as a full page in Top Santé magazine. Having a variety of high-quality images, which tell your story, is imperative for successful PR. When it comes to magazines, a standout image is the difference between on the inside or on the outside.

Everyone is talking about Kent’s incredible innovation to tackle food waste.
From April, in Kent, companies with good edible surplus food, will have a quick and easy communications channel to access organisations that can use or repurpose that food.
It’s called Food Loop. It’s an app. It’ll be live from April.
Food Loop will connect a vast community of producers, retailers, growers and hospitality (those with occasional surplus food) with not-for-profits, charities and community initiatives (those needing surplus food).
Not in Kent? Want to set this up in your home county? Then let us know, we can put you in touch with the No Food Wasted Forum.

Learn how to master your PR & Marketing
AJ’s workshops continue every Wednesday at 9:30am. Missed last weeks? Fear not, they’re all uploaded and ready to watch on our YouTube channel here. She’s covered a range of different topics so far including writing your own PR and marketing plan, planning your tactics, nailing your messaging, measuring the effectiveness of your activities and balancing trade and consumer PR. If you need any guidance, ideas or help, these workshops are a perfect starting point. This week’s workshop is all about influencers – don’t miss out, make sure you’re signed up here.

What can I be doing this month?
- Keep looking out for national awareness days. Upcoming days this month include International Women’s Day, Red Nose Day and Mother’s Day. Whether they’re directly relevant to your business or not, awareness days can be a great content creator for social media. Why not try creating some UGC (user generated content) by creating a poll that asks how your followers celebrate Mother’s Day?
- Think about your long lead opportunities for the year ahead. Believe it or not, Easter is old news in the eyes of the media, they’ve already started thinking about their summer stories and features. Keep up with them and start thinking about what your business has planned for the summer and beyond.
- No idea on where to start or stuck for ideas? Book a discovery call and see how we can help your business with PR and Marketing.